Maynooth Community Council
Meeting Notes 10th May 2021
New Members to MCC:
- We welcome new members representing Parsons Hall, Meadowbrook, and Business Community.
Treasurers Report
- Delighted that application for funding for Information Boards for Biodiversity Project was successful. MCC has been awarded €1,700 by KCC under the Community Grants Scheme.
Planning and Development Sub-Committee Updates as follows:
- Parsons Street Development – comprehensive submission made by MCC on behalf of members. Decision due on 17th May
- Celbridge Road/Rail Park Development – Further Information requested by KCC
- Parklands Grove: – Issues around MERR and boundary treatment with Railway Line.
- Student Accommodation, Divine Word Moyglare Rd. – KCC has concerns around design and architectural impact on area.
- Gaelscoil Ruairi, Moyglare Road, – Revised layouts for bus bays and traffic congestion issues.
- GAA Moyglare Pitch – Noise impact assessment required.
- Planning Permission granted for new Lidl Store on site of existing store.
Decarbonised Zone:
- Maynooth has been selected as the pilot town for Kildare.
Kildare County Council has to formulate a plan that will help guide the actions necessary to achieve specific targets around carbon emissions.
Mullen Park:
- Members expressed their outrage and concern at the purchase of 135 of the 174 family homes in Mullen Park by Round Hill Capital an International Property Investment Fund.
- Not only did this massive purchase of family homes by the Investment Fund prevent first time buyers from purchasing their own homes in this housing development, it also impacted on Tuath Housing’s ability to purchase additional social homes on the site. It was also acknowledged that Kildare County Council being priced out of the rental market.
- Changes to policy to stop this type of bulk buying of family homes and other similar properties needs to be addressed urgently by the Government.
Banking Facilities
- Gary O’Daly drew attention to changes to the banking facilities provided by PermanentTSB. Gary advised that the bank has removed their cash counter in the Maynooth office and that this would impact on any voluntary group who banks with PTSB. Voluntary groups do not have credit card facilities and will now have to travel to the Liffey Valley Branch to make cash lodgements.
Speed Limits:
- Concerns were raised about speeding in housing estates and the safety of our children as outdoor activities increase. Speed limit signs are not prominent enough. It was confirmed that bye-laws enacting Jake’s Law – 20klm/30klm speed limits- have not been passed by KCC, therefore relevant signage will not be installed on housing estates.
- Other areas where speeding occurs were highlighted including Rathcoffey Road leading to MTFC Sports Fields and Moyglare Road leading to MEC and GAA Sports Fields. There are volumes of young people walking and cycling these routes and speed limits should be reduced and enforced in these locations to ensure public safety.
- Councillors confirmed that a review of speed limits is currently underway nationally and that some of the proposed changes i.e. increasing 60klm to 80klm in some areas make no sense.
Councillor updates
- Cllr Feeney update on use by the community of Assembly Hall (Old MPPS): The Department of Education seeking to develop part of site for use by Stepping Stones Special School, Kilcloon who are in urgent need of accommodation. Expected to occupy premises in September 2021
Gaelcholaiste Mhaigh Nuad (GCMN) remains the priority on this site. A consultant
has been appointed by the Department to assess the premises, and engage with all
stakeholders. KWETB are cognisant of the community input to the Assembly Hall
and it will be communicated to the Department the importance of facilitating and
accommodating third party (community groups) requests for use of the hall.
Outcome of discussions should be available following Board meeting on 25th May.
- Cllr Durkan outlined his proposal to KCC to have a commemorative plaque installed in the Harbour Area in recognition of the work done by the people of Maynooth in bringing the development of the Royal Canal Greenway between Maynooth and Kilcock to fruition. The design has yet to be decided. Also proposed that interactive information boards are installed on the Greenway in Maynooth and Kilcock. KCC will accommodate when funding is secured
- Cllr Hamilton updated on the taking in charge of Meadowbrook Estate. It is estimated that costs to bring the estate up to TIC standard will be in excess of €300k and large chunks of LPT will have to be allocated annually to deal with the issue. KCC are to undertake an audit of all trees on the estate the roots of which are causing trip hazards and take remedial action. Estimated cost of this work in region of €50k.
Outdoor Dining:
- €4k funding available to businesses to assist with purchase of outdoor furniture etc.
- €200k allocated to each local authority for allocation to a town in LA area. Maynooth should be in with a good chance for allocation because of its Purple Flag status. .
M4 Resurfacing:
- Stretch between Maynooth and Leixlip subject to ongoing capacity analysis, including possibility of second junction west of existing junction and installation of bus lane on the M4. Cost is estimated around €40m.
Reduced Mowing Regime:
- KCC Parks Department are continuing to roll out the reduced mowing regime and use of chemical weed control in an effort to help biodiversity.
- Harbour Field – should go to public consultation this or next month
- Castle Dawson – Cllr. Durkan accompanied by Council officials completed snag list on trip hazards
- Increased Garda presence in the town and emphasis on ‘respectful policing’ approach
Biodiversity Week – 15th to 23rd May
- Don’t forget to take some positive actions for wildlife and help our struggling biodiversity.
- World Bee Day is on 20th May and we are being urged to celebrate the day and the month of May (No Mow May) by letting some clover grow in the garden for the bees. Check out for lots of helpful information.